Saturday, June 30, 2007

It's all a matter of perspective

The topic of the day is anxiety. Today we went to Starbucks and as we were pulling into the parking lot, an older lady yelled at us that we were going too fast. Rob yelled from the backseat, "you're too slow." The funny thing is that my window was down so this woman and her cohorts heard everything we said. Of course, Andrew and I proceeded to laugh uncontrollably, which they also heard. We than entered into this awkward staring contest because we were stuck trying to turn out of the parking lot and they just stood there. Very entertaining.

Speaking of anxiety, I've really been struggling with that a lot lately. If you read this, you can please pray for me.

It is so easy for me to feel consumed at times. Whether it's stuff with the Shelterwood kids, stuff with other staff, stuff going on at home, I get to the point where I feel like I'm juggling the whole world.
Recently, I had the realization that, while more socially acceptable, anxiety and worry hinders my walk with the Lord and my ability to serve Him just as much as drug or sex addictions. In both instances, I am trying to take things into my own hand, I am not trusting the Lord with my life and my circumstances. Pray that I will trust Him with all these things that are going on in my life. Pray that as I continue to learn to be dependent on and confident in Him alone that the work that God wants to use me for will be accomplished.

1 comment:

David L Lankford said...

1. hey! whoa sorry for the lack of communication. glad you're writing, glad to see you in August (right?)

2. anxiety blows. straight up. for me, it's an awkward balance between giving in to the things I worry about - actually taking the time to fix them, plan around them, prevent them - and just letting things go (er giving them to God, you know). bless you man - i'll pray for ya.