Saturday, May 12, 2007

it's the end of the world as we know it

I watched the movie Syriana tonight. I found it very interesting and thought provoking. It was a very hard movie to follow because the plot line is so convoluted and it is somewhat slow. However, I feel like it presented the issues that were being faced in a very real and personal way. It's a story of large-scale corruption and international dealings but the story wasn't really focused on the large-scale of countries and corporations. You see the realness of people. You see how people make choices. Choices to follow money, power, and even misguided religion versus what really matters in life. I don't want to ruin the story but their are several very powerful characters, namely Matt Damon's character and George Clooney's character. Both of these men are controlled by power and money but in the end find redemption. It is a very sad movie and there is definitely a lot of heaviness in my spirit right now. In a way it is a very hopeless movie because you see how people have lost their lives emotionally and spiritually as they try to attain security and happiness. How do we lose our love for our neighbor? Why do we trust governments when they only breed corruption and violence. I don't want to make any sort of political statement or anything but how can we as Christians place our hope in the United States government? It's no lie that we will lie, steal, murder, and torture in the name of "protecting our interests." The government is not to blame. That is the nature of government in a fallen world. Why do we keep looking to those powerful in the world's eyes for salvation when the one who causes kings and governments to fall to their knees before Him asks us to serve Him. We have a hope that will not fail us, that is not corrupt, that will not use us or stab us in the back. We have a hope in something far greater than any government or corporation or person can ever offer.

"Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in the vain. The kings of the earth gather together and the rulers take their stand against the Lord and against His annointed one. 'Let us break their chains,' they say, 'and throw off their fetters.' The one enthroned in Heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Than He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His wrath, saying, 'I have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill.'" Psalm 2

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